I’m really worried about him… it’s been years
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I’m really worried about him… it’s been years
This shit right here is kinda wild. I haven't logged on thos joint for a loooooong ass time. And the third thread is asking where I'm at? That's some can't be a coincidence type shit.
Who are u tho? And why you worried bout me, fuck outta my bushes son.
i wonder how many of the first gen RB'ers are dead?
Toobs is prolly 3rd or maybe 4th gen.
@Toobs CLA919
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So I found out A LOT since you been gone lmfao
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How old your son now anyway?
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My daughter 33
At you still alive X?
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I so read that in your voice
I’m proud the site is tolerating gay much better these days
Toobs is funny lol
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Everyone loves Toobs <3
Opie is a woman now. And no. I'm not joking. He fully transitioned. I went to jail in 2018 and his name was Brian. I came home in 2019 and his name was Bree.
And then I had violent buttsex with it.
Nah kidding on the last part. Tranny part? All fact.
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Huh? Found out a lot about what?
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Man fuck you Ryan.
Ol delete me on FB for your professional reputation ass. I hope you wound up a meter maid in the Wisconsin police force
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Especially people's moms.
@Toobs why I see pac so much… go to my profile page and tell me the baby on the left don’t look JUST LIKE HIM to the right - not sure who shot me still - I know the people who pulled it off but not where the hit came from or why, what else, I’m not adopted but my father not on my birth certificate - it why I had a registration and my bc was sealed… still can’t get out of my mother why though other then he was cheating… let’s see what else?
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I’m very proud to say that I haven’t hit insanity since like April 2019 too - don’t know if I’m cured or am just waiting for the big one that they say they can’t bring me back from
Holy guac
Guacamole is not holy, it is avocado.
It’s been a while folks