Re: $200 Audio Competition - Vote Now
Yeah that could be useful, if I manage to write something I like enough to record I wanna have another crack been about 12 years since I last made an audio but I’m struggle penning stuff now days and kind of lost my rap voice now I sound more like an adult
Will get round to feeding/voting sorry it’s been a while, I’ve been in hospital came out and 2 days later have come down with flu, I can’t catch a break atm
Re: $200 Audio Competition - Vote Now
Originally Posted by
Yeah that could be useful, if I manage to write something I like enough to record I wanna have another crack been about 12 years since I last made an audio but I’m struggle penning stuff now days and kind of lost my rap voice now I sound more like an adult
Will get round to feeding/voting sorry it’s been a while, I’ve been in hospital came out and 2 days later have come down with flu, I can’t catch a break atm
dang slay, hope you get better
Re: $200 Audio Competition - Vote Now
@mal diction
word, i’ve been looking into alienware laptops so i’ll def go with that brand when i eventually get one. i’m gonna take another crack at this phone recording thing because i heard some phone produced tracks on youtube & they sound legit so i know what i was doing wrong now.
Btw you mean to tell me that all these elaborate and often eloquently humorous posts/novels you write are all written on a phone? That's completely insane to me, lol. I even still have paper notebooks cuz I hate writing on phones.
lmao@novels.. yes.. everything y’all have seen me write on this site has been from my phone :laugh: i use my phone notepad too if i’m writing a verse so i don’t accidentally submit a post while i’m sleep typing but yeah, it’s all phone lol. for non-RB rhymes, i do have a pen & pad though.. always gotta have a rhyme notebook handy.
& word i look forward to a round two. cuz if this is a bare bones track for you like you said, i’d like to hear a fully fleshed out one for sure.
@Bag Mandela
word thanks for the advice.. i’ll def try to send you vocals and the beat to put together if my next attempt does south, but i did some research & learned what i did wrong so hopefully my next session will show major improvement once my headphones come in. & bro, yes.. from what i’ve heard so far.. an RB mixtape is the way to go. we’d just have to work out the logistics because the site should make money from it but we obviously wouldn’t be able to use youtube beats without going through the proper channels & not all of us are producers, so yeah def need some pieces placed together but i have confidence we could pull it off if we all pool our talents.
& yeah this def deserves more feedback maybe some of the active audio heads like
or the Man himself
Taut could give their opinions if they get the chance.
& hell yeah looking forward to MV’s return.
by the way good looks y’all on the feedback. niggas is lucky i’m dookie at technology lmao i’ll get the hang of it though and God help y’all when i do :gremlin:
- - - Updated - - -
Originally Posted by
Yeah that could be useful, if I manage to write something I like enough to record I wanna have another crack been about 12 years since I last made an audio but I’m struggle penning stuff now days and kind of lost my rap voice now I sound more like an adult
Will get round to feeding/voting sorry it’s been a while, I’ve been in hospital came out and 2 days later have come down with flu, I can’t catch a break atm
this man gave all his psych meds to ricanspiracytheoryz for xmas & got sent to the padded bounce house. way to take one for the team Slayerr. .. i’m confused though.. didn’t the flu suddenly and inexplicably become extinct once covid became the new norm? lol. you have covid bro. put a mask on & stand 6 feet away from your computer while typing to ensure the safety of the web page’s other respondents.
oh & get better soon, or something…
Re: $200 Audio Competition - Vote Now
Covid hasn’t got me so far and I refuse to believe it has now - catching covid is just a state of mind it’s like chlamydia if you don’t test for it you don’t have it, it just burns when you piss now
Re: $200 Audio Competition - Vote Now
Enjoyed your signing at the start
Started off I took me a while to get used to your voice it’s very narrator ish but as the track went on and I got accustomed to it I actually dig it. Hook is nice actually quite like your singing felt pretty heart felt too. Second verse I feel your delivery improved like you’d got into it a bit more, flow was nice throughout. Was about to say a switch up at some point would be dope then the bridge bit before the second chorus hit and I was like dope. I liked this especially the hook I could never do them but think you hit it well
Oh wow this is very old school vibes feels like a big L freestyle, quality is crisp too and your flow hits nicely. I like your voice too. Lyrics were nice couple of cool word plays. Vocabulary was good and you rhymes some high syllable words. lol @ potato’s in my handgun that brings back some memories I had forgotten about - this was dope af instrumental was cool af too if you produced that too props - glad you rembered me on your shoutouts was starting to think I wouldn’t make it!
Jack - I’m super pissed off with how poor the quality is here because when I properly listen I think this could be dope as fuck, beat is good and intense and you match it well, rhyme scheme was on point and your delivery in parts is super strong, I hope you look to do more audio coz there’s mad potential here
Luckily I don’t really get a vote coz this is tough but shamans was defo the most polished and crispest listen and best song but Mal and jack both had a dope showing and think jack may have taken the whole thing if his quality was on par with everyone else’s. Actually enjoyed all these not even a someone’s had a go good attempt you all genuinely delivered. shout out to everyone
Re: $200 Audio Competition - Vote Now
Originally Posted by
Covid hasn’t got me so far and I refuse to believe it has now - catching covid is just a state of mind it’s like chlamydia if you don’t test for it you don’t have it, it just burns when you piss now
i blocked this out the first time i read it & seeing it again is just as bad as the first.
once you’ve been forced to learn the effects of untreated dick maladies, you can’t unsee those slides.
Re: $200 Audio Competition - Vote Now
Originally Posted by
Jack Hallows
i blocked this out the first time i read it & seeing it again is just as bad as the first.
once you’ve been forced to learn the effects of untreated dick maladies, you can’t unsee those slides.
We get off to different porn videos clearly
Re: $200 Audio Competition - Vote Now
Well, its about time to wrap it up, sorry you haven't had more people checkin this but we're still gonna get another round in at some point & hopefully the sites a bit more active by the time we do.
The general consensus for rankings is:
@mal diction
@Jack Hallows
I've got Slayerr & Shaman's info but mal & Jack you'll have to PM me, I still need to send you that cypher prize too Jack
Re: $200 Audio Competition - Vote Now
hasaaaaa niceee.. yooo well deserved Shaman & Mal & props to Slayerrrrr.. oh & big up to Bag too cuz that A.I.MC nigga came with some bars lol not everybody can say they got dissed by Terminator great great grandpappy.
annddd i’m definitely not gonna be outside posted up by the exit with a retractable baton & some knucks just waiting for the rest of my money to somehow snatch itself out of the hands of other unconscious rappers. >;)
Re: $200 Audio Competition - Vote Now
Originally Posted by
Bag Mandela
Well, its about time to wrap it up, sorry you haven't had more people checkin this but we're still gonna get another round in at some point & hopefully the sites a bit more active by the time we do.
The general consensus for rankings is:
mal diction
Jack Hallows
I've got Slayerr & Shaman's info but mal & Jack you'll have to PM me, I still need to send you that cypher prize too Jack
just donate my share to the site
Re: $200 Audio Competition - Vote Now
Originally Posted by
mal diction
just donate my share to the site
The site owner is apparently unreachable so I can either put it up for a prize in the future on your behalf or I'll donate it to a charity of your choice
Re: $200 Audio Competition - Vote Now
well damn if this ain’t just the most altruistic shit you ever done seen.
i was on the phone with papo lookin to spend my prize money on product when a commercial for that Ethiopian penny baby came on tv & it almost made me feel bad. almost.
but now i’m all toasted & reading these last couple responses made me think about that shit & i’m leant lmao
Re: $200 Audio Competition - Vote Now
Originally Posted by
Bag Mandela
The site owner is apparently unreachable so I can either put it up for a prize in the future on your behalf or I'll donate it to a charity of your choice
put it in the pot then