love is like a game of chess
it is compicated and you go to think
all u want to do is feel her breasts
and maker her wink at you
so u will get the clue
that she will be using you
all the way through
till the end of your relationship
she will get over then and jump on your dick
damn that is sick because now u have aids
now she gave you lice in your braids
you find out that she is a poor ass hooker
who use to be a cooker
but now is driving away wih your money
you though that she was your hunny
but not you got that feeling inside
you just want tog o run and hide
u are wishing that all this will not collide
now u frealize that u just woke up and notice it was a dream
and that u are tickeled by shaving cream with a feather
from ur girfriend heather
and she loved you forever
the past hitted you in that dream so
dont mess with no more ho's
and stay with that girl
when she sees you she wont hurl
so good bye and think about your life
if you want to keep your wife