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Thread: RW WK6: Virbius vs Slayerr. (Virbius Wins)

  1. #1
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    RW WK6: Virbius vs Slayerr. (Virbius Wins)

    Held 4 Ransom Battle
    Bars due Wednesday 11th December
    Public voting closes Saturday 14th December
    Overall public vote = 1 vote
    MV’s vote = 1 vote
    Bags vote = 1 vote
    6 lines each (doesn’t have to be 3 bars with a set up, punch format, you have creative freedom)

    Posting explanations / references below your bars is strongly recommended.
    Rebuttals, late drops (unless you have a 24hr ext) & no shows are an instant loss.
    The theme for this round is that you have kidnapped your opponent & are currently holding them hostage for ransom. You can write about how you're gonna fuck em up, have a phone call with whoever’s gonna pay the ransom or anything else related to the situation.

    @Slayerr. @Virbius

    Sign up to the audio competition (stickied) if you haven't already, over $100 in prize money.

  2. #2
    Lyrical Fire Slayerr.'s Avatar
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    Re: RW WK6: Virbius vs Slayerr.

    Might need an ext

  3. #3
    Lyrical Fire Slayerr.'s Avatar
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    Re: RW WK6: Virbius vs Slayerr.

    @Bag Mandela @Virbius request an ext until Sunday - sorry to ask and I know it’s long but moving house this week
    Last edited by Slayerr.; December 11th, 2024 at 08:44 AM

  4. #4
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: RW WK6: Virbius vs Slayerr.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slayerr. View Post
    @Bag Mandela @Virbius request an ext until Sunday - sorry to ask and I know it’s long but moving house this week
    With it being the current top 2 I don't want to give one a several day extension without the other having the same so I'd rather just say you both got til Sunday to keep it fair. It's on Virb ultimately though.

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    Re: RW WK6: Virbius vs Slayerr.

    Yeah of course, no problem at all. Good luck with your move mate, I hope it goes well. Can be Monday or whenever if that helps take the pressure off?

    Bag, is me waiting til Sunday as well going to cost my extension use coz if so I can drop tonight and save it in case I need it in future? If it isn’t going to cost me mine then it shouldn’t cost Slayerr his extension use either, to keep it fair. I’m not super competitive and Slayerr’s sound as fuck so it’s all good with me.

  6. #6
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: RW WK6: Virbius vs Slayerr.

    Quote Originally Posted by Virbius View Post
    Yeah of course, no problem at all. Good luck with your move mate, I hope it goes well. Can be Monday or whenever if that helps take the pressure off?

    Bag, is me waiting til Sunday as well going to cost my extension use coz if so I can drop tonight and save it in case I need it in future? If it isn’t going to cost me mine then it shouldn’t cost Slayerr his extension use either, to keep it fair. I’m not super competitive and Slayerr’s sound as fuck so it’s all good with me.
    I'd rather see this one happen where neither of you have an extension used & both get the same amount of time to write, the extensions were only in the cases where someone dropped before the more time was requested. So you both retain your extension (pause?) and drop on Sunday 15th.

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    Re: RW WK6: Virbius vs Slayerr.

    Dear Slayerr’s family,

    I put his brain on display just for thinking he’s clever. I’ll swap his arms with his legs when his ligaments severed…
    I’m gonna chop off his head then I’ll stitch it wherever… I’ll get the body cut up and then stick it together like I did with the letter.

    I sent you a box marked ‘Slayerrs thumbs’ like it’s straight legit, but inside it’s his nose and his ears, ripped facial bits,
    Fuck a ransom, nobody likes this lying cunt enough to split paying it, guess I’m the only one who miss-Slay-bullshit (/mislabel shit).

    I sent packages where his liver and spleen glisten, so he’s jaundiced and got the police system searching for a yellow guy like Chief Wiggum when he seeks villains.
    You wanna know the motive for my mean mission? please listen, he’s too lazy to better his weak writtens and get deep with em; I put his heart in the post because he didn’t.

  8. #8
    Lyrical Fire Slayerr.'s Avatar
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    Re: RW WK6: Virbius vs Slayerr.

    I’ll knee some bitch, taken from the streets I saw ya, ur voice is too high pitched to be lairy
    Force feed him his own tracks for musical torture n hear this guy sing like a canary

    One phone call to say bye, admit to ur crimes in a rhyme
    Ur parents are still on the phone when I hang u with the chord n put ur life on the line

    Tracked ya to ur farm, seize ya like ur epileptic - find ull never see the somerset or morning
    Ur wurzle not get u outta this, when me n the scarecrow combine to harvest ur organs

    Knee some taken / neeson
    Virb is from a place called somerset which is renowned for farmers - there is a band from that region called the wurzles (words’ll wordplay) who’s big song is brand new combine harvester

  9. #9
    You've Earned a Custom Title! TheShaman's Avatar
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    Re: RW WK6: Virbius vs Slayerr.

    Hmm, this one is tricky. Virb actually did this cutting up thing he said he was gonna do, but even though it's kind of funny, it feels more like a gimmick rather than bars. And tbh I wasn't feeling his verse so much. It felt like a bit of a lazy filler verse compaired to the other stuff I've seen from him. And that's fine, because this tournament is long and we're not gonna feel like writing every time necessarily, but I think Virb was banking on Slayerr not turning up, which it seems like he did, though.

    For a bit of explanation: The overall idea of the whole thing being an actual letter adressed to the family is good. But then it starts off with a lot of setup multis that doesn't seem to go anywhere and ends in a simili about the ransom letter itself which to me is just a bit underwhelming. The miss-Slay-bullshit is kind of cute on the denotative level, but it doesn't seem like a hard punchline that you mislabeled some body parts, more like a random working back from the wordplay. The Wiggum bar was cool. But then the last bar becomes mostly ironic because it seems like Virb was the one going half hearted while Slayerr didn't.

    I thought Slayerr's first line was some kind of rhyming off of Virb's last, but the thing he explained with the Neeson thing is just a reach. It's Neeson, not Neesom, right? But the punchline was straight up ill. Using his own tracks as musical torture + the sing like a canary thing combined is just really beautiful. Life on the line is also a great double entendre, and the rhyme patterns seem pretty natural and effortless. And the last line - after I got the explanation - was also great. You really paint a good picture with the scarecrow partaking in the organ harvest, which is simultaneously a pretty high level niche reference that fits perfectly here.

    All in all, Virb was slacking and Slayerr wanted to prove him wrong. So I'll give it to Slay.

  10. #10

    Re: RW WK6: Virbius vs Slayerr.

    vote - Virbius

    i liked this battle. glad the two euros offed one another so i’m spared the smell of baked beans & mushroom farts everytime i check in in the morning.

    i’ll say this until the cows come home: i hate Virb’s style. ol’ 16 bars per line ass nigga lol. but it worked here & didn’t seem too convoluted or forced. multis carried it & the comedic bits were timed well. mislabel was a dope name flip & the Simpson’s reference was funny. the format of the verse was pretty creative too. i like what i saw.

    Slayerrrrrr.’s verse was better than i usually give him credit for. i’m a yank so a lot of the limey references are lost on me, so i appreciate the index. the last bar of the verse is probably the line of the battle. dope personal & play on the band name. the other lines were solid too but Virbius had a little more going on in his verse that i liked.

    good shit from both.


  11. #11
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: RW WK6: Virbius vs Slayerr.

    Virb -
    Started off nicely with the brain on display shit, subtle & ill. The first punch was a decent warm up bar. Even though there's no extra points for the ransom letter style font, 10/10 for commitment & creativity on that.
    The miss-slay-bullshit flip was nicely done, and on point rhyming throughout the set up.
    Police system searching for a yellow guy like chief wiggum when he seeks villains, that's fire, got that old school style to it.
    Put his heart in the post was the right one to close with, that hit hard as fuck.

    "I'll knee some bitch" let's go, out the gate with the taken reference. Punch was ok, weird how you both started out so similarly with the best (subjectively) part of the bar being the opening bit.
    Hang you with the chord n put your life on the line was a solid punch, rated.
    Set up to the final punch has a lot going on, I initially thought the tracked to ya farm was going to be a tractor themed set up which would've been pretty unique, but the epileptic shit was a nice extra, somerset or morning was a little bit on the fence but passable and relevant.
    That wurzle angle's probably one of the best I've seen used against Virb, this one lived up to expectations.

    Usually I'd just make up a reason why the English guy won when it's this close so I'll just have to go with whoever lives closest to Yorkshire.

    Both punched consistently well & dealt well with the fact that finding new name flips for each other at this point is pretty tough especially within the parameters of a ransom theme. It come's out fairly even on punches alone, added wordplay within setups like
    the "brain on display" & "knee some bitch" was also closely matched. For me the most obvious separation is how polished the writing was. Although Virb's lines were pushing the limits in terms of length, I do think they were crafted slightly better than Slayerr.'s. Hard to say either of you lost this one, I'm gonna put up a prize for battle of the tourney & this will 100% be a contender.

    Vote Virb

    I want MV to vote on this so I'll leave it open til I've heard from him.

  12. #12
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: RW WK6: Virbius vs Slayerr. (Open 4 votes)

    Shame MV couldn't vote but gotta pack this the fuck up and move on.

    Virbius emergius victurius.

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