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Thread: Rules & Info [READ BEFORE POSTING]

  1. #1
    is Power Nahlidge's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Fall River, Ma.
    Battle Record
    Awards Legendary Member Legendary Battle Legendary OM OM HOF

    Rules & Info [READ BEFORE POSTING]

    Welcome to the [U]Artists & Producers Showcase[/U]. This is the place for the site's member's to post their music and get feedback. Everybody love's feedback. I repeat, EVERYBODY. Whether you're a new member or an old fart like myself. We like logging in and seeing someone took the time out to check our thread. So to help this run smoothly here's a few Rules & Regulations that are going to be set in place.

    1. [B]This area is for member's audio and video content only.[/B] Meaning don't post your favorite rappers new music video or track, post YOUR tracks and videos. Anything else will be moved to the correct section of the site.

    [strike]2. When posting a thread, [B]make sure you have 2 links to threads that you have already left feedback on[/B]. No links = your thread gets closed and moved to the [URL=""]No Feedback Links[/URL] section. Simple.[/strike]

    3. [B]Do not flood the forum.[/B] Meaning don't come in here and post 10 tracks in 1 day. Be reasonable.

    4. [B]Don't "up" your thread repeatedly.[/B] If nobody's replying to your thread, leave a link to it when you reply to other people's stuff and ask them to RTF (return the favor).

    5. [B]Only post FEEDBACK in somebody else's thread.[/B] Save the chit chat for [U]Chat/Network thread[/U] -

    For anything off topic and not related to music posted by members, go check [U]The Lounge[/U] -

    6. [B]Make it easier on the members to leave feed by using the embedded players.[/B]

    To use the [B]SoundCloud[/B] code, simply take the songs link and wrap it with the SoundCloud tags without the *s.


    To use the [B]SoundClick[/B] code, simply take the song's link
    Then copy and paste everything AFTER the "id=" which would be 12921094 in this case and wrap the id # with the SoundClick tags without the *s.


    To post a [B]YouTube[/B] video, simply take the video's link
    Then wrap it with the video tags without the *s

    [I]For links to software, tutorials, beat & instrumentals to get you started making tracks, check the post below this one.[/I]
    Last edited by Pair-A-Dyce; December 6th, 2014 at 06:34 PM


    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 50 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

    *Click one of ^those to check out my music and shit

  2. #2
    is Power Nahlidge's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Fall River, Ma.
    Battle Record
    Awards Legendary Member Legendary Battle Legendary OM OM HOF

    Re: Help, Rules & Info

    Need a [I]good[/I], [SIZE=4]free[/SIZE] [B]DAW[/B]?

    Check out [url][/url]


    How about [B]drum sounds[/B] or [B]VSTs[/B]?



    Looking for some [B]FL tutorials[/B] and more?


    Can't find any [B]beats/instrumentals[/B] to rap to?



    Now, go make some music :speaker:


    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 50 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

    *Click one of ^those to check out my music and shit

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