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Thread: Short Story- The Glass on the Counter was Not Full (includes videoclip to enhance the plot.)

  1. #1
    RUN AWAY! Mr Elmsby's Avatar
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    Short Story- The Glass on the Counter was Not Full (includes videoclip to enhance the plot.)

    __________________________________________________ ______________
    WARNING- MUTE THIS VIDEO, THE SONG IS EXTREMELY ANNOYING! If you do not mute the video before playing it, you are doomed to listen to a song so queer it'll make you adopt a poodle.

    The point of the video is the visual aspect.
    __________________________________________________ ______________


    It is the year 2021, and the tax code had evolved to where one could receive a nearly full refund on their taxes if they engaged in combat with a randomly selected opponent. Dennis the Horselet had a year where he failed to properly document his deductibles so he decided to utilize this option.

    What started as a chance to seek financial relief would turn into a day that would forever change his life... nay, the universe.

    Ok, that was a bit overexaggerated. Just his life, for the most part.

    Chapter 1- The Decision's Weight

    Dennis took the 2:12 plane to the local tax center, where a ring was set up. He went through the bureaucratic shit (let's be honest, nobody wants to read about that) and was led to the ring where he got to meet his opponent... Ultimate Fighting Champion Action Hank!

    Action Hank was known for brutalizing his opponents and then pouring prune juice upon their battered bodies after victory, and Dennis was not pleased at this concept. "Hi" said Hank, to which Dennis replied by manufacturing some plastic tupperwares and selling them at factory cost to some onlookers. Greatly displeased by this grandiose display of failure in basic capitalistic principles, Action Hank lengthened his beard and began planning his attack plan, which was to punch Dennis until Dennis would either commit to learning proper business management techniques... or die.

    Chapter 2: Consequences of Poor Bargaining

    Dennis realized off the bat that he was at a tremendous disadvantage having the physique of a plush horse. He decided his best course of action would be anger, so he applied war ears. This turned out to be a bold move as the shockwave sent Action Hank to the ground. Perplexed, Action Hank got up and shook the cobwebs off. As Dennis circled the ring an eyeball lept to the top of the ring and began peeing on Dennis while giggling maniacally. The eyeball was escorted off the premises and was placed in a river of low fat blueberry yogurt, never to be seen again.

    The distraction rattled Dennis, so he rekindled his anger and charged at Action Hank. Action Hank lifted Dennis by the neck and set into plan the simple but effective plan of punching Dennis the horselet.

    Chapter 3: Self Awareness is a Lotus

    (Writer's Note- This is the part of the story that you can see in the video)

    "I should really have left the oven at a lower temperature" thought Dennis as Action Hank delivered a thunderous right hook into his ribs. Maintaining his look of anger, Dennis' viewpoints on his past and future were altered with each organ-rattling punch.

    Seven punches into the assault, Dennis realized he should never have ordered a salad from McDonalds 573 days ago. This brought a tear to his eye but the teardrop immediately went on strike and took up gin and checkers at the local park. Dennis suddenly felt alone and a sinking feeling in his stomach, but he was reminded that Action Hank was still punching him when a drunken woman in the audience yelled out "Do something you faggot".

    Due to the fact that Action Hank was currently engaged in a physical activity, the accusation of sloth had to be placed on him. Dennis decided he had to mix anger and a moderate appearance of being taciturn in order to fortify his defense.

    (Writers note- This is the part where the video is no longer current in this story)

    Chapter 4- Reach for your Dreams

    "My boobs are on fire!" screamed Action Hank as he slammed Dennis to the ground like a football player celebrating a touchdown would do to the football.

    Chapter 5- The Quantum of Misdeeds

    Dennis was thoroughly defeated at this juncture but was desperate for relief caused by really poor financial management, so he reached into his pocket and pulled out a solemn yo-yo and lobbed it at Action Hank. Action Hank shrieked and exploded like a slain villain in the original Power Rangers.

    Dennis was awarded his refund and decided it would be a wonderful day to visit the local barber and eat the hair off of the floor. It pleased him.


    Four months later Dennis the Horselet died from erotic autoasphyxiation. Not every story has a happy ending.
    Before, I was merely The Ultimate Hero and the only true champion. Now, some group of kiddos named AI has accepted me as their idol to be worshiped and revered. But I can still be your hero too.

  2. #2
    Word Of Mouth Kaotic Theory's Avatar
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    Re: Short Story- The Glass on the Counter was Not Full (includes videoclip to enhance the plot.)

    Lmao i this was quite dope!, although i cant get passed the thought of 2 grown ass men were getting very nasty with each other.(#NoHomo) And i just read 4 chapters of intense Cock Festivity hidden Metaphorically behind this story :'(.
    Now i thought the story was quite interesting and action pact none the least, great imagery and was funny and sad also....full of Intensity that will keep the reader on the edge of the phone. Props browsky.

    Now would you please check the link below?

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  3. #3

    Re: Short Story- The Glass on the Counter was Not Full (includes videoclip to enhance the plot.)

    This was a masterpiece in business management

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