Anybody wanna takeover SS? My personal life has WAY too much going on and I'm tired of dudes like Chrit on here so I'm gonna depart from the site. Would be nice to get a mod in here first though. Anyone interested?
Anybody wanna takeover SS? My personal life has WAY too much going on and I'm tired of dudes like Chrit on here so I'm gonna depart from the site. Would be nice to get a mod in here first though. Anyone interested?
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Originally Posted by Wuxia
Just block him man. You e done this countless times and you always come back
i would mod for you, but i think its been juiced for all the attention peeps got for topicals atm..
like i might get one more battle out of it.. but if you wanna leave without seeing your baby die in your arms you can pass it to me n il put it down easy..
Don’t leave bro. We’re almost done anyhow
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Perhaps you go into a 4 man playoff next week. Could use it to establish an alternate for the PPV topical title, in case Enoch doesn't reemerge.
lol very cute wee lass
Yeah I think this Sacred horse is dead! Let's close it up until somebody offers more. I suggest anyone who posted this week drop their drop in Open Mic. I forfeit my match this week considering I didn't drop either. Too wrapped up in what I'm doing to focus on something that only has 5 participants. Message me your application and why you deserve it if you see this post and want a shot at recruiting new topical heads and taking on the section. Until then it's pretty done for!
can we at least get folks to vote on the drop this week where both of us dropped for the respect of us writers