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I'll post details here in a bit.
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I'll post details here in a bit.
So. When did the RB Discord shift from being about RapBattles.com and turn into something completely unrelated to the site?
Is the Frontlines Championship vacant? If so, I'd like to set up a title match for the the first card in the LES. @Kill Spree
What I intend to do for the first event is to have 3 championship matches. LLL, Frontlines, and 1-2 Punch League. I haven't gotten a response back on how to distribute medals yet, but that's the direction I'm heading in. I need to be able to give out medals to add legitimacy to each battle.
okay i see... waiting to see what UnB is saying
Word. @Unbelievable
yeah me aswell
I will have more details on the card up Monday night. So tomorrow. Also to those who have signed up, I see you, I would also like to add an Audio Champ Match, too. I still haven't received word on being able to distribute Medals. That's the big issue right now. That's what's holding me up.
What you need?
Just spoke with Kewl.. he’ll be back this weekend
Sounds dope
3 Kingz Cartel....2 time B-R-V Text Rap Heavyweight champ