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Thread: TRUMP 2024!!!!!

  1. #1
     Murder The Mainstream Nohbody's Avatar
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    TRUMP 2024!!!!!

    LETS GOOOOO!!!!!!!

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  2. #2
    Princess Jonny Knows
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    Re: TRUMP 2024!!!!!

    Love him and you xoxo

  3. #3

    Re: TRUMP 2024!!!!!

    just like the Alien vs Predator tagline: whoever wins, we lose.

  4. #4
     Murder The Mainstream Nohbody's Avatar
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    Re: TRUMP 2024!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Hallows View Post
    just like the Alien vs Predator tagline: whoever wins, we lose.
    DEI and putting illegal immigrants over Americans first is what lost

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  5. #5

    Re: TRUMP 2024!!!!!

    i don’t really wanna get too political cuz that easily breeds enmity, but i’m convinced that these things are decided way before we the people ever hear who the candidates are.

    i also firmly believe that regardless of who is in office, they all serve the same master in the end.

    one thing that i know that doesn’t rely on belief though, is that once Trump got “shot”, and that photo came out with bloody ear & fist raised in victory, nigga had the election in the BAG lmaooo. cold ass photo, regardless of how anyone feels about him.

    the many men parodies after were priceless too lol. dude was born for the memes.

    at the end of the day though, even though i despise Trump, i’m glad as shit that Kamala Emhoff didn’t win.

  6. #6
    alum' Celph Taut's Avatar
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    Re: TRUMP 2024!!!!!

    "i also firmly believe that regardless of who is in office, they all serve the same master in the end."

    Now you're getting it. You're putting one person to essentially run the free world. These are people that are so radically different than the average joe. I don't care who you are, you don't climb the ladder that high without having extreme levels of sociopathy. 4 years isn't enough to undo 1000s of years of history. Even then, the person in power has fractional authority over the free world. Yes, anyone in power can do a lot of physical damage, but the mental and psychological damage is happening from all sides. It's a popularity contest. Whether it be Trump or Harris, they are mouth pieces and vessels for preexisting hierarchal ideological beliefs that continue to be flawed and perpetuated as there isn't a one way solution to a lot of our problems.

    Oh, I mean go Trump.


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  7. #7
     Murder The Mainstream Nohbody's Avatar
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    Re: TRUMP 2024!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Celph Taut View Post
    4 years isn't enough to undo 1000s of years of history.

    The United States is only 247 years old

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    alum' Celph Taut's Avatar
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    Re: TRUMP 2024!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Nohbody View Post
    The United States is only 247 years old

    Being hyperbolic. I'm saying 4 years isn't enough to move the needle in either direction, nor do these politicians really give two shits about changing anything they talk about. Sounds great on a mic, though.


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  9. #9
     Murder The Mainstream Nohbody's Avatar
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    Re: TRUMP 2024!!!!!

    I don't entirely agree here.

    The reason the needle don't move much in 4 years is you typically have an administration where one party does not control Senate, House, and Presidency.

    When Trump was in office, he was supported by the courts, but out voted in the house and wrestled with the senate
    Biden is supported by the house with Kamala currently being the tie breaking vote, but meets resistance by the courts

    Its a game of political ping pong, but serves as a system of check and balances by design and is neccessary

    In this election,
    Trump won the presidency, republicans control the house and senate, and for the most part, the courts back Trump

    The only interference will probably be more bullshit charges to indict Trump in NY... but outside of that, the path is wide open for the needle to move VERY far over the next 4 years. So really, its put up or shut up time for the republicans to get shit done. I think people like me who voted for Trump need to be more critical of his term and hold this administration accountable more so than any time in decades.

    I expect tough crackdowns on immigration
    Peace talks and action to calm the conflicts in Israel, Russia/Ukraine, China/Taiwan etc
    The repeal and removal of over reaching gun control efforts
    A rapid stabilization in the economy
    and more importantly, AMERICANS being put before illegal immigrants

    Those are my areas of concern and why I voted for Trump, and i feel that Biden was disastrous in all those categories and Kamala would have been even worse

    So far, Trumps picks for his cabinet shows that he is serious about tackling these issues.

    I know that time shall tell . . . but im excited for the change

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  10. #10

    Re: TRUMP 2024!!!!!

    you are one optimistic dude. i like that. it’s nice that people are still hopeful & all that does indeed sound splendid. we’ll see.

    for me though, all i see trump doing now is more of the same pandering to the israelis that decidedly marked his first term. it was like he won the election as a republican but it’s the zionist party that took office.

    i haven’t been paying much attention to his moves since he won this term but the true colors will definitely unfurl before the year’s out, let’s just keep the hope that actual Americans will benefit & not some foreign nation that claims to be our closest ally while actively working to subvert our democracy & simultaneously defrauding us of billions while selling our secrets to nations hostile to us.

  11. #11
     Murder The Mainstream Nohbody's Avatar
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    Re: TRUMP 2024!!!!!

    Trump sent 400 million in military aid to Israel throughout his entire 4 year term

    Biden has sent 17.9 Billion to Israel since last October

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  12. #12
    alum' Celph Taut's Avatar
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    Re: TRUMP 2024!!!!!

    Honestly, no politician is without fault. You're really just rolling the dice and hoping to luck out - that's it. Trump is not better than Biden nor is Harris better than Trump. I'm sure for everything you can cite Biden did bad, or Harris, you can find something for Trump equally as bad, if not worse. But that isn't to say Dems are better than Republicans... only that, and it goes for everybody, that you're gonna have obvious biases, depending on who you like. And that's OK.

    On the matter of senate, courts, and house... perhaps true, but time will tell. I'm of the opinion that not only are the problems on a systemic level and deeply integrated into the country itself, but the country as a whole is too fragmented for any serious change to take place. Of course, it's great to have policies that align with your country's peoples beliefs, but my cynicism wholly doubts that most politicians are acting in the interest of their people any more than they are using these more so as a bargaining chip to leverage popularity with their base voters. Again, which isn't to say they won't do a few of the things on that agenda.

    I will say this, I obviously don't know about American politics like an American would, but I've done enough adulting to observe that it would seem most leaders of the free world are burdened with much more than a 4 year window of time could adequately permit. It has nothing to do with religion or my political leanings, more so general observations. Nobody has a crystal ball, but we do have history. And doesn't seem to matter who you plunk into that chair. The free world is run by rich powerful people that don't resemble the common man, nor can they empathize with them. And because that is the case, to me, they will never really have a genuine perspective of how to tackle the countries problems when they don't really experience those problems, or view those problems through the same scope as their voters, themselves.


    Vincent | Sammy | Vallus | Dose Blotter | Onceawhile | Virbius | Bag Mandela | Celph Taut

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