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Thread: HMM SEMI FINALS: Miracle vs Jack Hallows(MIR WINS)

  1. #1 STONED miracle's Avatar
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    HMM SEMI FINALS: Miracle vs Jack Hallows(MIR WINS)

    Regular Battle
    Punches due NO DUE DATES
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    1 bar(2lines) vs 1 bar(2lines)

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  2. #2

    Re: HMM SEMI FINALS: Miracle vs Jack Hallows


  3. #3 STONED miracle's Avatar
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    Re: HMM SEMI FINALS: Miracle vs Jack Hallows

    Guns shoot like paparazzi.. u’ll see that flash before all else fails
    Shoot up ya whip, u can Diana car fast like the princess of wales

    @Jack Hallows

  4. #4

    Re: HMM SEMI FINALS: Miracle vs Jack Hallows

    you thought botw meant battle of the week but in actuality, it means..

    Bitch Out The Way. it’s UFC: Ur Future Champ sweeping ranks clear
    so U’re F’d, C? 1-2’ll un-do u. submit, subdue u. i’m just keepin it Frank, Mir

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    Re: HMM SEMI FINALS: Miracle vs Jack Hallows(OPEN FOR VOTES)

    die in a car is pretty sick
    i liked it
    i was feelin the rhymes in jacks bar
    what took away from it was the frank mir play
    i seen it a few times & i dont read much on here
    so im sure its been done more
    i can get over that it still just dont hit all that hard
    saying ur being frank aint a crazy hit
    was good shit from both
    winner miracle

  6. #6
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    Re: HMM SEMI FINALS: Miracle vs Jack Hallows(OPEN FOR VOTES)

    I vote Hallows

    the whole guns shoot like paparazzi's is so overplayed at this point. hallows was so poorly written though, but original

  7. #7
    The Demon MV's Avatar
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    Re: HMM SEMI FINALS: Miracle vs Jack Hallows(OPEN FOR VOTES)

    Variations of both bars before are nicely written. JH had a bit too much going on in his bar for me. Integrating UFC into your bar was a dope strategy but then you ended with the rhyme scheme Undo you, submit subdue you which felt like it was taking me in another direction. If you had chosen one or the other or had changed the wording around the results would have been menacing. As it is written the ending has such a choppy read it makes the punch less satisfying. As is i have miracle with a cleaner read.


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  8. #8

    Re: HMM SEMI FINALS: Miracle vs Jack Hallows(OPEN FOR VOTES)

    W/ Hallows

    Hallows chose to write a multi vs Miracles single
    The first line was connected to the 2nd
    He spoke directly to the opp.

  9. #9
    Lyrical Fire Slayerr.'s Avatar
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    Re: HMM SEMI FINALS: Miracle vs Jack Hallows(OPEN FOR VOTES)

    Hmmmm can’t say I’m massive on either bar miracles because lady di bars have been done to death over the years especially if you’re British it’s just some weird lazy attempt at a personal that just isn’t it. No idea if jacks British or not(I don’t think he is?) which makes it even less relevant. Also Diana car isn’t really a clean flip and is a bit reachy. Jacks bar was pretty messy like too much going on and cramming too much into two lines and it was awkward to read the ure f’ed c 1-2 subdue you bit kept tripping me every time I read it. Overall the bar came across as too wordy although frank mir concept was cool I think it could’ve been executed better coz it landed a bit soft almost like an after thought rather than the punchline if you get me?

    I’m finding this difficult to pick a winner really but I suppose miracles was cleaner and a less awkward read even if I did think the concept fell flat and the flip is a reach as it is. jacks bar was too trippy and lacked any form of sting for me


  10. #10 STONED miracle's Avatar
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    Re: HMM SEMI FINALS: Miracle vs Jack Hallows(OPEN FOR VOTES)

    Mir wins

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