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Thread: Keystyle Cypher!

  1. #1216
    alum' Celph Taut's Avatar
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    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    (wakes up)
    Lyrics sick... like pedo?
    WORD. That's NEATO! Covid's gone, but still, give me my 6 feet, though. (Please)
    What I drop, is primo!
    Put it on the scale, watch the binds snap 'fore the number appears
    Not good at math by any stretch, but I'm the sum of all fears.
    So, with that being said? I'm ready to catch my second wind...
    Schrodinger's cat still in the box that I left it in.
    I see the bigger picture, frame it, put it on a wall.
    Get 7 years of bad luck, from breaking your chandelier jaw.
    AH! You got to love it! BITCH. Pick up the pieces!
    These are big shoes to fill. They can't fit in these sneakers!
    Ain't even no use in trying. <-- How about that grammar absurdity?
    Mark's coach, over his shoulder like, "Cram in more words there, B!"
    ...Man, the nerve of me, observantly serving he.
    Words will be third degree burns that need surgery.
    It begs the question, how do I do it?
    I took that little style of yours, n' then I improved it
    You know. Back when we had DMUSIC.
    I'd slap these kids around like they were my students.
    Catch that second hand Whiplash trauma.
    POW! Send you running to yo' BITCH ASS MAMA!
    NA-UH. I'm just joking. You didn't do nothing to me.
    As far as I'm concerned, Mark, you are a G. (congrats)
    Remove the oxygen mask; give it some room, to breathe.
    I'll drop a rap that will bring civilization to its knees.
    Yeah... like, "admire 'dat, 'shun".
    TAKE THAT TAKE THAT. Baby oil on the floor... that's not weird at all. (nah)
    Especially for the people that don't fear the law.
    Jesse Ventura filed a suit - didn't care at all (nope)
    She just did it. Made him a admit it.
    And after he did, my man, 50, put on a clinic.
    Took the man to the slaughter. He spared no expense.
    Had 'em asscheeks out. 'fore he could prepare a defense.
    Not sure what's happening in prison, but it can't be good.
    Perhaps it's better than rubbing elbows, with Suge
    I mean, that man has his own demons he's dealing with, now.
    Appealing it, how? The man was fucking guilty. You should have seen him in trial.
    My lord. He looked miserable, n' wild annoyed.
    The guilt was written all over his face, like The Island Boys.
    Last edited by Celph Taut; November 13th, 2024 at 03:07 PM


    Vincent | Sammy | Vallus | Dose Blotter | Onceawhile | Virbius | Bag Mandela | Celph Taut

  2. #1217
    alum' Celph Taut's Avatar
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    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    Nobody is safe here when my style deploys
    Cause mayhem and destruction, stemming from the surrounding noise
    Crowds rejoice at how profound the sound is
    King me, I'm just wondering how this crown fits...
    Studio director in the back, gives me a foul mix
    Heavy lies the crown, when I drop it down know the ground, shifts...
    Wow shit, not a single clown wanna browse this
    Wipe out a Lollapalooza crowd with a mouse click
    Nothing but flames in here when changing gears
    It's a shame my peers listened n' haven't been the same, for years...
    I've been deranged, it's sheer luck that I'm calm
    When for so long I've been destructive beyond anything they would want to put on
    Know that you're fucking wit' Zod...
    Had me uncomfortable, dog. They're fronting with no receipts in their customer log.
    Like I'm supposed to be the one to applaud.
    I saw your hype, n' it was a facade...
    A figment of your imagination; a fucking mirage.
    In other words, not reality.
    Not sure how the uppity can look down on me
    One hit, n' their ivory tower, leans.
    That's no hate. Furrowed brow,
    Every word shall settle their dome, straight.
    Use Negan's bat to send their skulls a mile from home-plate.
    They're all gassed like their theories, it doesn't hold weight...
    Kill the body, then settle the matter, probate.
    "That's cold, mate."
    Train of thought, mainly off of my own freight
    If I have an 'episode'? It's your ass I'm putting on 'showcase'.
    A cold case....
    I mean, there's a body there, but there's no face.
    Big loss, not even a pit boss can keep you hoes 'safe'.
    So, shut the fuck up n' listen for once...
    I'm running out of patience with you ridiculous cunts
    You keep talking then, get clocked in your jaw... let's see if you 'tok' again
    Give you a 3 piece 'combo', n' I just 'lock it in'...
    Let the announcer give you the options, when...
    A multi choice response ain't enough to measure your consequence
    The loss of this, lower than Dow Jones stocks can get
    It's obvious you were popping shit, n' your mouth went n' got you hits...


    Vincent | Sammy | Vallus | Dose Blotter | Onceawhile | Virbius | Bag Mandela | Celph Taut

  3. #1218

    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    Sick.. disturbance-relaxed.. kick a perfect, perhaps, picture perfect enchantment
    of twisted verbiage, verbalized fertilizer as I tip-toe it sprouts, my shit grows
    though doubt chases.. bricks chiseled as I write the first of commandments
    works of a mad man.. when eyes meet I see souls
    either evil or peaceful.. is this the sequel or prequel
    for I noticed it before.. so is it i'm cold from past trauma
    or the thought of the hope that I hold so hopeless to control
    as if I haven't learned from the past mistakes
    and purposely lash out saying absolutely nothing
    like deaf men arguing with imaginary acquaintances
    .. it remains a desire, love, lust.. a painful reminder
    it's vacant inside her and she hates that I made it revive
    so she runs with a heart that's concealed
    with thoughts rummaging on what karma can deal
    whatever I guess, not like I ain't seen nothing before
    and been left with severed ties like Columbian gore
    .. so well written my spontaneous speech seems left out of placement
    best for the basement where talent remains pleasantly crafted
    where anxiety flees without pestering faces testing it's patience
    .. the life of an artist minus the hardships ain't even art bitch
    it's the pain we've embarked in claiming our hearts
    a dangerous charter not made for those afraid of scaling it's waters
    scared of elevating artistry.. pure hell remaining a part of
    what ain't even paying the bills, but to hate would be silly
    for it always comes crumbling down..

  4. #1219
    alum' Celph Taut's Avatar
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    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    Wondering how my life went to what it is now
    Voices near me, buzzing around. Oh, what a wonderful sound.
    So sonically crafted. Honestly, that is why
    My lifeline has been comically plastered across this platform
    The thoughts of that form viciously, inside of my head.
    Trying to head my own smear campaign, but I'm kind of mislead.
    One seam pulling onto a societal thread...
    Where will you hide when the violence is shed?
    Killing's a job, I'd rather retire, instead.
    Admiring what I've long lusted for in life, despite it being the upper floor.
    The gut feeling wants something more...
    When you run a campaign, you knock on a couple doors...
    In order to procure the reality that you run towards
    However, even that can elude you...
    Encapsulating the passion you move to.
    Far beyond the dictated captions, on Youtube.
    Manufactured realities that spin narratives
    Generating a model to serve a lifetime's inheritance
    Condensed so purely, it's like the game is rigged.
    Any actual change will remain a figment of your imagination
    Think new world order; purposeful wills...
    Hardship we are cursed to reveal...
    Actions no more honorable than the words they fulfill...
    Remaining calm through it, is a cursory skill
    To be coldblooded and empathetic through the hurt it instills...
    Push rhythm through binary code...
    Never mind the mind mining the coal...
    Shining a light so blinding to those...
    Attempt aligning to whom we're tryin' expose.
    Societal woes perpetuated by those picking up rocks
    And still finding the stones, inside of their soles.
    Uncomfortable, but time only knows, and until you've learned more than that?
    You'll still go for the 3 point shot, to keep your goals intact..
    Frigid movement. They see the blueprint, n' don't react.
    The same ones that say they're aligned with us, try to hold us back
    Trajectory changing like day and night...
    When you execute it, you pay the price.
    Don't let money exchange in change for the same advice.
    Remain enticed by the imagery, painted through words...
    Expressed into a way that your brain can preserve its aim, when observed...


    Vincent | Sammy | Vallus | Dose Blotter | Onceawhile | Virbius | Bag Mandela | Celph Taut

  5. #1220
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    When observed in my natural habitat I look like a crack addict that don’t know where the bin bags are at,
    I got an L shaped sofa just behind me, stacked with 4 feet of shit I can’t be fucked to tidy,
    It’s dungeon grimey, could do with washing the walls,
    I understand how it feels when someone jockeys a horse,
    Since I gotta jump n hop in the hall over an obstacle course,
    Just to make it downstairs when someone knocks at the door,
    My boilers been broken for a year, kinda sucks,
    Russell hobbs heater in every room it costs twice as much,
    If I wanna start a business from home, I’d be fucked,
    By law I’d have to make sure biohazard signs are up,
    My lack of desire to correct it lingers,
    I reckon I could claim benefits for my oppressive stillness as a progressive illness,
    Mindset part warthog part mandrill like friends of Simbas,
    The idea of staging a little fire is inspired,
    I sleep on the floor cuz my mattress got ripped when I built a synthesizer,
    Using sharp tools & soldering irons is a minor,
    Unless you’re a crystal piper off ya tits n hyper,
    In which case ya lifes at risk n shit is dire,
    I’ve been to get help, but being a demented jerk n not wanted to peel back this dreadful curtain had me lying to my therapist to look a better person,
    I’ve spent a lifetime fooling people, seem polite and friendly first n then if they saw what I was really like I’d be on some kind of mental curve that got me sectioned urgent,
    I know it’s “urgently” but so what I’ve been up since Tuesday morning or something doing nothing productive just writing bars n making beats n the whole lot of em suck dick,
    Anyway, I might be grumpy cuz I’m tired trust me but I’ll still end with a customary bar to disguise the fuck shit,

    Your son’s kinda plump bitch, highly chubby, redefining “tubby”, gets out of bed using a giant pulley,
    He’s too fat to start exercising fully, so I’ll take him to play tiger woods, but make sure the tigers hungry

    4/10, almost mildly funny

  6. #1221
    alum' Celph Taut's Avatar
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    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    Word, so many fucking words go a mile, from Hungary
    Style is funny. Joker smile, throw a match on a pile of money.
    Watch it burn. You'd be crazy if you were not concerned.
    If you're burning money financially, you got lots to learn.
    Burn through your idiocy faster - that's a short wick.
    You're in courtship with your thoughts, while your balls are on a divorce trip.
    Only thing dangling between your legs, is the remnants of what use to be...
    Couldn't dream it back through a regimen of lucid sleep.
    Brain on a sundial, in an eternity of pitch black...
    Go to hell, talk to the Devil to get that itch, scratched.
    Get bitch smacked so hard, the reverberation will make your ribs, crack.
    You kiss ass, n' use the doodoo stains when your lips chapped.
    Not something I'd like to imagine, but assured you are probably doing...
    Robbed you of the resources needed for your canonical movement
    Want to improve it but, you used it up.
    Didn't do enough to it to include it, you is a useless fuck.
    Clueless, what basis of reality did that thought form?
    Live a life in lieu of everybody that was not born.
    Magical, yet to be stated as if it is bravery
    Blade from me deep enough to make a civilization, bleed
    The fuck does that mean, though?
    Draw attention to myself like TikTok and Magneto.
    Fans blow me, but I cut 'em off before they're spinning tales
    Built an empire on top of two lifting scales
    They'd imagine it was hard to achieve that type of karma, indeed.
    The backscratchers, harboring greed.
    Through a pyramid marketing scheme.
    Fuck facing off. You are better instead to start a regime.
    Selling your soul, tenfold, to garner your marginal cream
    Charter a scene so uncanny to those that haven't seen much...
    Demented poses so that you affix your iPad screens up
    Yet, still isolated. Crush effects from a mighty force
    Thick leg workout to rip the seam off the tiny shorts
    Wanna die. But first, set up a camera so it is monetized.
    To a backdrop of LOFI shuffle playlists, on Spotify.
    Can't cauterize a perpetual wound, refusing to heal....
    Or be bombastic in your truth to reveal. You do it, n' that's how you lose your appeal.


    Vincent | Sammy | Vallus | Dose Blotter | Onceawhile | Virbius | Bag Mandela | Celph Taut

  7. #1222
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    Lose your appeal, appeal is illusory,
    I stay hungry n high like the modelling community
    but haven’t been off my food since I used to be a fan of san pedro and shroomery,
    I see dudes on the corner n move em along,
    Visit prisoners to tell em “You are doing it wrong”,
    Stay sharp or shit go from losing to gone,
    Shortcomings have you leaving where you used to belong,
    I be longing for truth but it’s so long in the tooth,
    It’s starting to look like something poachers’d probably shoot,
    I’ll bone ya wife n wipe my cock on ya fruit,
    Glans on a pear like her knockers are huge,
    I can tell I’m aging, my penis a test tool,
    Nowadays I nut it barely reaches the next room,
    I used to make bitches scream in the bedroom,
    When a faceshot would have em leave with a flesh wound,
    It’s not a night being ravers in bright green lasers when I snipe these haters,
    I hunt em n make taking a life seem shameless,
    Get buried in suttin shallow, like teen phases,
    And then the prey a rot, like Chinese gamers, (I dont CAP MULTIS, thats a lame-ism, but I do use italics for racism)
    If that resonated hard n you ain’t figuring why yet,
    It’s cuz the “L’s being R’s” is your typical mindset

  8. #1223
    alum' Celph Taut's Avatar
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    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    The difference is, I bet nigga's ain't gonna try test...
    They stupid as they come far as battle rapping, so why stress?
    Rather I relax, n' say what I wanna'...
    They can to, to distract them from the pain that they're under.
    What I'm not gonna do?
    Is let the regime slide - I'll push the obstacles through
    Let it breathe, then close the oxygen tube.
    If they help, I'll knock the doctors out, too.
    Angles like a Big Brother house - I got every possible view
    So, the shots that I do
    are like horse tranquilizers for the hospital crew
    It's a wrap. Gift a gab. No wounds healing up,
    You shouldn't rip the scab.
    Passport bros, I mean, they're tripping, bad.
    Hopefully I said it loud enough that you're listening, clearly.
    The real thing, shut down any thoughts of a revisionist theory.
    Lord willing, are interests can vary... but the outcome doesn't...
    An alchemist of devout discussion...
    Shit is 'ill, I doubt that these Clowns can touch IT...
    Not Tim Curry, nor Bill Skarsgard...
    Ink bleeds to the page...
    Oh, there will be blood, to keep the readers engaged...
    Left the car on the road - ain't feed the meter, in days.
    The mind is unfettered access to what is perceived, on the stage...
    And the stage is nothing more than a couple doors...
    Leading us to the inventory stored away, in the cupboards drawers...
    My mental state, is succumb to wars unfathomable to the human mind...
    So, how the fuck would you know when you're still a couple of queues behind?
    Truman tried exposing the reality they prepped him for...
    How do you bleed lineage out of two decades from a message board?
    You don't. You rather experience it, n' report back....
    Gob smacked by those lauding themselves on their job, that...
    Is probably best described as a psychological Saw trap
    Thoughts lack the depth to talk at lengths with the raw facts
    Blanks act as strengths to those losing the information
    To be the same people purported to speak musical innovation
    It's crazy. I must be going cuckoo...
    That machine of yours? Got some screws loose.
    I said fuck it, give me some "New" News...
    Have to refrain from using my hand as some kind of tactical aim
    For slapping up some cats for speaking on behalf of my name
    Last laugh for a dying comic...
    Feel the news cycle is like a flying comet...
    Hitting the earth, while they're writing comments
    Feeding the delusion. You are reading an illusion.
    I'm saying it's fucking simple to see the seeds of the confusion...
    Which is seemingly amusing, yet equally provocative...
    Awkward as those not capable enough to talk on it
    Try their hardest to be the arbiter for what's going around...
    Drowning in cost holding you down...
    Can't breathe... use this money loan as a life saver...
    Might wager you'd be better off being killed, with a lightsaber
    That is wielded by Luke Hobbs.
    You've read some stories, just know that we are the true gods.
    You can't get this info from news blogs.
    These are huge odds. Quickly frankly, you'd faint trying to take...
    On this horizon. I'd say that'd likely be a giant mistake...


    Vincent | Sammy | Vallus | Dose Blotter | Onceawhile | Virbius | Bag Mandela | Celph Taut

  9. #1224
    alum' Celph Taut's Avatar
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    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    Never mind all the hate...
    Drop a rhyme, see the lives lying at stake...
    Fuck giving me my flowers when I'm dead, bitch; I am awake.
    Leviathan, break every lie you were trying to create
    And they're wondering why I am a great.
    Cool. Don't wonder much longer then.
    How you gonna set me up against someone I am much stronger than?
    Shit is a comical to me, they'd probably sue me.
    Funny lawsuits, like what you saw in a movie.
    I'm Scarface, when he's drawing his Uzi.
    Watch the body as it falls in the jacuzzi.
    Probably 'cause is as soothing as watching modern Gods of a movement.
    They didn't execute the idea, yet wanna draw up the blueprint..
    Smh... die of laughter in the final chapter...
    I exact a execution that's equivalent to a giant rapture...
    You were cool a decade ago, but I was sliding past ya...
    Reciprocal blade going awry until every side is fractured...
    FUCKKKKKKK.... n' now for my final trick...
    Build your feudal empire, on top of a pile of shit...
    Jedi mind legit able to crack the circuity...
    Certainly give your metaphorical electrical box a purpose, b.
    Aside from short-circuiting... speak to me in binary code...
    As the people deciphering is replacing every 'i' with an 'o'...
    Can't shake your mental shackles - where you trying to go???
    Idle, as though you gauge every movement on a societal hold...
    Certified diamond, I show the rubric...
    Old as balls, looking for the road, when they won't improve it.
    So, they sell their souls to them to say that, "it is only music"..
    That's a fallacy, n' I won't excuse it...
    Sweeping victory, but ... who is pushing the Omen's broomstick?
    I don't know, but tell that to those they can hold the nooses...
    Hanging around your neck... as you dangling down, the steps...
    Swinging back n' forth as it slowly strangles you out of breath...
    Wondering if you'll black out before it snaps your neck in two...
    Yet you were there for minutes, suspended - how you'd expect it to?
    I'm of the respected few to 'cause death to Doom...
    With a record moving at such speeds, you would need interplanetary travel to sew' the exit wound...
    Death by a million cuts... shit is silly. It's nuts.
    Turn the ceilings, to dust. In other words, tell 'em, really, what's 'up'...
    God-body, if you haven't heard...
    Use the language of 'ill to tap a nerve...
    Give you exactly what you cats deserve...
    Crack the manufactured urge you got be the one, in here...
    You got a full tank on your reserve... but it runs, on fear...
    That fear? Consumes you.... with an insatiable appetite...
    Death to a hater... just so I can kill his ass in the afterlife...
    I am back, 'ight'... get off my nuts... dressed to the fucking 9's...
    I don't give a fuck what's alive... drop something that will take a couple hundred lives...
    Shit, I'm more efficient than a cult leader...talking in riddles...
    Get dropped in the middle of an ass whooping, n' I'm not being civil (at all)
    You looking for cordial? Dig up Mr. Rogers corpse...
    If you die? Your mother can be right by your side, n' I don't got remorse.
    Give her that Ivan Drago stare, as you watch, in terror
    Floating over your body
    As she's pushed down the iconic Rocky stairs...
    Yeah, bitch... how's that for a 'role'?
    If I snap, I'm-a go Ken Shamrock vs Bulldog - in other words, a complete lack of control..
    Squeeze you by your Slim Jesus neck, in a grappling hold...
    As referees hold me back, but I won't ease up 'till you are flat, on the ropes.
    'Till your as purple as Barney's face...
    With a death they can hardly trace. Body gets calmly placed... inside of a laundry case.
    That's stored inside of a gnarly place... ugh.
    And I won't act bewildered... if the detectives ask, I just had to kill ya'.
    Black Noir. Action thriller.
    You better act familiar. Your pussy ass lacks the skill, so you rap, with filler.
    I rap akin to a silverback gorilla. Your rap? Vanilla.
    My rap? Atilla. Your rap? Concealer. My rap? Is realer.
    I don't know... wait, yes I do.
    So fucking Blessed, that you'll be the next I chew/achew.
    Somewhere in the 'Villa. N' that is just the view.
    Shit that I was blessed to do.
    The answer. That's why the 'ask' for me, but they 'question' you.
    I'm flexing to a point that my flesh goes blue.
    I mean, there's a zero summit to which I can stretch it to
    This is death to whomever gets in a reckless mood...
    Check your tune. Or expect to be up next, when I execute.
    Straight shooter. Ain't no minute delay, I take it straight to ya.
    Obscure your face, like the Great Muta.
    Should've came to me if you were wishing to deal your fate, sooner.
    I would have happily did it...
    Michael Rafferty, while he actually fidgets, after his sentence.
    Master linguistics.
    Don't have to rap against your manufactured statistics.


    Vincent | Sammy | Vallus | Dose Blotter | Onceawhile | Virbius | Bag Mandela | Celph Taut

  10. #1225
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    I manufacture statistics about how active my dick is,
    I say that my body count hangs in the 60s like acid n hippies cuz if I told em the truth they'd say I'm chatting the biggest load of fantasy shit since talking rabbits n pixies became an asset of Disney's,
    If they knew the number of their mums I'd fingered they'd be mad at the digits, tbh I'm not exactly glad that I did it, I'm fucking ecstatic that's why after I've finished I present my hand n they sniff it n look confused the smell had familiarity with it,
    I was in Dubai,
    Great place,
    Stayed with a rich homie who'd gained weight,
    His Spanish wife always cooked n mostly made steak,
    She wanted him thin whatever it may take,
    Some protein arrived that she'd bought online,
    She asked me if she'd got the order right,
    I looked at it, n said, "Whey? Of course it's fine",
    "You'll just have to shake, sheik's, shake, senora, shake it all the time
    Last edited by Bag Mandela; December 26th, 2024 at 09:03 PM

  11. #1226
    alum' Celph Taut's Avatar
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    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    Ugh, shake it until you make it, then break it in half... mistake it
    for an aircraft taken off, especially when I take it, dog.
    Better off being alone with the Diddler than trying to test...
    Eat off my plate is the best way to diet success
    'Cause you ain't getting a crumb, homie. Not even a scrap.
    Clean the dish, then leave it at that.
    You lucky to be eating whatever imaginary ingredient that you drummed up...
    Done enough to the runner up...
    Broke 'em in halves - that's just to sum it up.
    Summers around the corner, lurking.
    P-O-S long before transactions toward a merchant.
    Drop raps on heads, while you were surfing the board, to search it.
    Got you rambling like A Disciple...
    Pop like Wayans Father; let you take this rifle.
    Die before you're 21 - I'm not here to break the cycle.
    Rather enforce it the way that I do.
    The game is times 2. Play it smart, as they display their IQ's
    Dragon punch same as Ryu's..
    Or is it Ree-U? The Needle Drop...
    Anthony Fantano their ego shots with a light 1...
    Why even stop?
    They might read a lot, but nothing of note.
    Come out the side of your neck n' get punched in the throat...
    Then perform a back-slap, 'cause I don't want you to choke...
    At least, not on that...
    Pull your spine out of its curvature, if you're talking 'back'...
    Papers, like Office Max. Ozymandias, wit' the Watchmen acts...
    Thoughts relapse your ethereal realm, as clocks tick, back...
    Yes, it is synchronized.
    Loyalty's real - that is a King's demise.
    Cut off the arm, watch as each finger, dies.
    What's blood anyway aside from lineage?
    Once you lose a limb, well, then you'll know what it really is.
    Maybe then you won't be so caught up in the silliness.
    Of spending decades destroying progress, instead of building it.
    But I'm not here to uplift you, rather just lift you up in the air...
    Then, toss you around...Use your own momentum to lift you off of the ground
    With one grand swoop, like "Who you talking to, now?"
    Bitch, like, where's your confidence now?
    You often around some cool kids in your squad, but getting lost, in the crowd.
    Optimism eludes you... lost the rhythm on top of getting the top commission
    Through bursaries... third string champ, yet that was a first to me.
    Slow down this winding road, while exposing a burst of speed...
    Pain is knowing you're alive, so why does it hurts to see
    Your guide provide local advice, licensed, commercially.
    Spit truths to set needles off papers...
    Minor coincidence that your league, is not major.
    Single out the Judases, perceived to plot danger
    So that when their plan is foiled? it won't seem a lot stranger.
    They can't sway the gods...
    might as well pray to strengthen the favored odds.
    Haters craving their manmade applauds
    Mouth is cashing cheques too deep to pay the cost
    So this ass kicking comes with a forced arbitration clause...
    Sign it, bitch. You and I exist, 'cause I insist...
    On whooping that ass, thoroughly. For the need to be Iron Fist.
    Wu-tang Forever, except for Protecting Ya Neck...
    Slice it off, watch what's dangling collapse, in whatever is left.
    With no special effects - we're gonna John Carpenter it...
    You're here, getting salty over a bargaining chip...
    I say, pay the execs what they ask for marketing it...
    Hard Target, I'm with every run that is harder to hit.
    Last edited by Celph Taut; January 11th, 2025 at 12:41 AM


    Vincent | Sammy | Vallus | Dose Blotter | Onceawhile | Virbius | Bag Mandela | Celph Taut

  12. #1227
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    I'm harder to hit than a dripping wet cigarette but fortunately they sell hair dryers on the internet,
    Don't talk to me bout inner stress, I've had twisted legs n injured pecs but still ain't lost a sprint with eggs,
    egg n spoon hall of famer, born a racer, captain due a promotion, the torque is major,
    at the finish line eye ballin chasers, fuck all the haters, they fawn over me, I sense it with my fawnicator,
    time I don't waste on em, just pace on em,
    Already taking off my shoes they look like somebody put brakes on em,
    I hold spoons n those oval shells stay on em,
    I was gonna rhyme sprint with eggs n minarets but they already know I prey on em,
    Sports day, every day, all day, I pay the cost,
    It's brought me bitches, spoontang, they put my name with God's,
    So til I hang up my utensils, their fate's a loss,
    There's no defeatin bag, better sack racing off ''''''\_/

  13. #1228
    Sites Worst Battler EyeDealIstic's Avatar
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    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    A 1997 Ford Explorer full of bunnies went to Vegas
    They didn't hit the jackpots unless the jackpots are Megas.

    They ate steak and shrimp and gambled on roulette.
    scrambled eggs are the plans for breakfast, you bet.

    The bunnies took over 9.3% of the local assets and structures.
    They sold it for a stake in potato-related snack manufacturers.

    The bunnies streamlined the market information
    The bunnies deleted your favorite radio station.

    The bunnies retired and fled to parts unknown.
    When a gnome finds a dome does it call the dome home?

    The chicken said cluck and never spoke again.
    It got transmuted into food and food is a friend.
    What is high- My battle loss record & my blood pressure.
    What's not high- my win record or me.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.

  14. #1229
    alum' Celph Taut's Avatar
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    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bag Mandela View Post
    I'm harder to hit than a dripping wet cigarette but fortunately they sell hair dryers on the internet,
    Don't talk to me bout inner stress, I've had twisted legs n injured pecs but still ain't lost a sprint with eggs,
    egg n spoon hall of famer, born a racer, captain due a promotion, the torque is major,
    at the finish line eye ballin chasers, fuck all the haters, they fawn over me, I sense it with my fawnicator,
    time I don't waste on em, just pace on em,
    Already taking off my shoes they look like somebody put brakes on em,
    I hold spoons n those oval shells stay on em,
    I was gonna rhyme sprint with eggs n minarets but they already know I prey on em,
    Sports day, every day, all day, I pay the cost,
    It's brought me bitches, spoontang, they put my name with God's,
    So til I hang up my utensils, their fate's a loss,
    There's no defeatin bag, better sack racing off ''''''\_/

    Ugh, Spoon God ^^^ That's a true calling.
    The House That Egg Built, n' he about to put some new walls in.
    Speaking of eggs, I was cracking shells long before...
    Your pops was playing Tetris, on a 64' Commodore.
    What they calling for? All my lore, far as RB goes, has been on the board.
    Hit me up, if you want some more...
    Schrodinger, pull the pussy out of the college dorm
    Shoot Project X in that bitch; insist that a Star Is Born...
    Wanna mourn the red cup rookies, leaving the lawns, adorned...
    And everybody out of payback - those are the laws of Bourne...
    Trade blows with them fuckers; see the ROI...
    Weak distribution, the number spreads feeling 'far and wide'..
    Put a bar aside... spare them, a little...
    I'm hearing them scribble nonsense; leave them there, in the middle
    Without a conscious... concepts I know, lack the context.
    Middle of the road, far as content, so who's on, next?
    Kill it, with the comfortable ire. Nothing, but fire.
    Engulf the psychological prison you were jumping inside of
    Oh no, it couldn't be. Break locks where there shouldn't be...
    Major Hellstrom... you know it's death when you look at '3'..

    I said, I see them shots from a mile away...
    Bodies piled... too many corpses stacking up high, to lay.
    Play your cards on the table, there - I'm an evil prick...
    'Aces 'Wild', like Robert Dinero, in the Casino Flick...
    We legit... should be obvious to you that I'm popping your noodle.
    Every shot will go through you...
    Fuck logic, I'm making sure to bring the hospital to you. (here)
    You were a confident dude, until I walked in the room to talk, n' then you moved...
    Off - looking awkward and cuckoo...
    But if you make ME feel awkward, my dude, them shots will go BOOP BOOP!
    there will be nobody in the hospital room to offer a truce to
    I mean, obviously I got me some screws loose...
    Horse tranquilizer, give you jockey's THE DEUCE DEUCE!!
    Damn, dog. It's like you saw me, then you ran off.
    You were on the fence, so if I 'course I let them 'cans off'.
    Yo, I can't -- don't got a pussy bone in me...
    Full of myself, but won't hesitate to unload, until I go empty.
    Homie, so don't tempt me - I am a slave to my vices.
    I'm saying, I'm nice with the words, even when I don't 'aim' for politeness...
    Yo... speaking of aim, if you think we are the same...
    Then your delusion isn't something that I need to explain


    Vincent | Sammy | Vallus | Dose Blotter | Onceawhile | Virbius | Bag Mandela | Celph Taut

  15. #1230
    alum' Celph Taut's Avatar
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    Re: Keystyle Cypher!

    Ugh, outside of your vehicle, spraying...
    Flip your Explorer over, engine coolant being seen on the pavement.
    The scene is insane, not even a paramedic team can contain it
    In other words, if you want an early grave, then we can arrange it.
    Yeah, you're seeing some strange shit.
    Out of this world, got me leaving the spaceship.
    You are reading each page while repeating the phrases.
    I feel like a fucking God - I don't need to be gracious
    Especially when every key is outrageous
    It's like you're being freed, from the Matrix.
    Hold it down, homie. Homeward Bound...
    Set up shop, then I go to town.
    Stroll around the fucking block like I own it, while...
    I'm chilling with the Spoon God, handling eggs...
    Hammer engaged, holy matrimony - cannon 'blam, on the stage.
    Celph's an immortal, man, I can't even age...
    If you manage to say a word, that's a hand to your face
    On camera. You better slam on your brakes.
    Or risk rolling to this free for all...
    Believe it, dog. It's a fucking risk to get me involved.
    We dissolve your body, in liquid...
    Come get a whiff of this camaraderie pimp shit...
    It's obvious that you wanna be this sick...
    But not even if it's ...Christmas, would that happen, son.
    One backhand slap from 'un, will collapse your lung...
    I will whoop that ass, for fun.
    Get your neck snapped; forget rap.
    I'm here to exert dominance.
    You nerds wanna diss, but wouldn't risk it.
    Ask 'ill... I beat that ass, 'till
    He got flashbacks - It's like I'm whooping his ass, still.
    That's residuals.. I laugh - his raps, are pitiful.
    He acts, but like foreign films, those acts don't match the visuals...
    Check it... I'm back, to get at you. Double tap to the chin...
    Crack through it then, glue it back to you just to smash it, again.
    Yeah, let it fly, mane.
    This is laundry day. I mean, whatever you wanna say can never keep the God, at bay.


    Vincent | Sammy | Vallus | Dose Blotter | Onceawhile | Virbius | Bag Mandela | Celph Taut

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