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Thread: RW WK5: mal diction vs FaQEyeReddit (Faq wins)

  1. #1
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    RW WK5: mal diction vs FaQEyeReddit (Faq wins)

    Regular Battle
    Bars due Wednesday 27th November
    Public voting closes Friday 29th November
    Overall public vote = 1 vote
    MV’s vote = 1 vote
    Bags vote = 1 vote
    6 lines each (doesn’t have to be 3 bars with a set up, punch format, you have creative freedom)

    Posting explanations / references below your bars is strongly recommended.
    Rebuttals, late drops (unless you have a 24hr ext) & no shows are an instant loss.

    @mal diction @FaQEyeReddit

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    Audio comp thread open4votes

  2. #2
    tha pendragon mal diction's Avatar
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    Re: RW WK5: mal diction vs FaQEyeReddit

    check in
    aka Sorrow: the Broken Wing

  3. #3
    You've Earned a Custom Title! FaQEyeReddit's Avatar
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    Re: RW WK5: mal diction vs FaQEyeReddit

    yes check
    FAQ - pronounced fack…
    Eye or E.Y.E - divination (seek knowledge using computers)
    Reddit- A web “sight” with frequent asked and answered questions.
    it should read Fa, Q, I read it for kicks

  4. #4
    You've Earned a Custom Title! FaQEyeReddit's Avatar
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    Re: RW WK5: mal diction vs FaQEyeReddit

    I'ma do a magic trick and air two nickles, it's one of my tricks from the starter pack.. blew his mind; he tryna make it make sense but it ain't adding up in his brain- when he see they land a quarter back.. dual straps lifting spirits like church hymns, these ain't no pair'a normal straps..
    Watch, I sneak up with some bloods got the b hive wit me, this a sting operation you wanted a little buzz then the situation got all types of sticky..but chill the fuck out Mal, you got a bright future but I'n my- sights it's iffy, idk who got this boy In the hood pumped up but I'd hate for you to have to die like Ricky
    FAQ - pronounced fack…
    Eye or E.Y.E - divination (seek knowledge using computers)
    Reddit- A web “sight” with frequent asked and answered questions.
    it should read Fa, Q, I read it for kicks

  5. #5
    You've Earned a Custom Title! FaQEyeReddit's Avatar
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    Re: RW WK5: mal diction vs FaQEyeReddit

    air two nickles-, nickel plated gun slang in america
    blew his mind; shock from a magic trick or gun blast
    make it make sense - cant make sense of how the trick works or literally cents
    they land a quarter back.-. unexpected twist
    dual straps lifting spirits- two guns lifting his soul street slang or real straps lifting an object
    pair'a normal straps..- pair of normal straps, paranormal straps
    b hive wit me, sting operation - american gang ref mixed with cop ref
    buzz- atte tion and bee theme
    sticky.-. honey or danger
    I'n my- sights it's iffy,- seeing his future look good or bad depends from the lense
    boy In the hood pumped up- movie title and ref
    to die like Ricky character from boys in the hood who died from a pump shotgun
    Last edited by FaQEyeReddit; November 25th, 2024 at 05:22 PM
    FAQ - pronounced fack…
    Eye or E.Y.E - divination (seek knowledge using computers)
    Reddit- A web “sight” with frequent asked and answered questions.
    it should read Fa, Q, I read it for kicks

  6. #6
    tha pendragon mal diction's Avatar
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    Re: RW WK5: mal diction vs FaQEyeReddit

    You wish you were me, but it’s not in your chemistry
    Send you to Mashville like i can't read the city in Tennessee
    Not even marginally I slaughter geeks till they’re on bending knee
    On a frenzy…rip off your limbs nd beat you with bending knees
    It’s not your “day-to-day”.. My flows “current” homie i bore “Niles”
    The Faq’s you’re not half the rapper you thought.. “Nor-mal”

    Not his day today; literally
    Flows current… bore(birth) niles; as in the river
    not half the rapper = normally... nd not half the rapper he thought he was; not even me(mal)

    You may not get my punchlines b/c i’m witty
    Not focusing on the normal setup/punches.. Just being funny
    When you read me imagine a live battle
    aka Sorrow: the Broken Wing

  7. #7
    You've Earned a Custom Title! TheShaman's Avatar
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    Re: RW WK5: mal diction vs FaQEyeReddit

    I was really fucking with Faq's verse. Was a little wierd looking at first because of the lacking line breaks, but everyone's trying to circumvent the 3 line thing a little bit, so I get it. Was really feeling all the slang; b hive with me/it's iffy, etc. And the magic trick scheme and paranormal straps all tied together nicely. All in all, very good verse.

    I liked Mal's verse too. The Mashville bar actually made me laugh. And "day today" and "nor Mal" was good, but overall not as much meat on the bone as Faq's verse, imo.

    Vote: Faq.

  8. #8

    Re: RW WK5: mal diction vs FaQEyeReddit

    Vote - Faq

    Faq is a problem. i’m not a fan of gun bars, but i am a fan of creativity. the way dude weaves concepts together is impressive as fuck. i like the way the bars carry on to stretch out the theme of the punch. pair’a normal straps scheme was nasty. boyz in tha hood reference was a good closer.

    mal, as always, comes with the impeccable flow. dude’s pen seriously floats. nice concepts too & plus 1 for original concepts.

    that said, while both drops were solid, Faq edged here with the multilayers of his metaphors and an overall harder hitting verse.

    good shit gents.


  9. #9
    Lyrical Fire Slayerr.'s Avatar
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    Re: RW WK5: mal diction vs FaQEyeReddit

    When I remember back to my first interaction with faq and he made that open mic thread unsure about where he went wrong to where he is now just in the space of (a couple?) of months is impressive. Dudes always had creativity and wordplay in abundance but he’s managed to tone it down and make it more coherent and reader friendly. Although saying that I enjoyed your verse and liked some of the clever lines I failed to see a real sting to any of these punches

    Mals verse flowed very well which is the bare minimum standard we expect to see from him now as slick flows become his trademark. I think I feel the same as I do with faqs verse with regards to a lack of real sting or heavy landing punches. I think your closet was your best punch and possibly had the most direct hit in the battle

    Overall a nice battle here two unique writers came with their trademark stylistic approaches and it’s made for a good clash. Whilst I think mal had the most direct punch of the battle I’m not sure it was a heavy enough hit to take the W when compared to all the layers in faqs verse even if he did (imo) fail to utalise his concepts in the most hard hitting of fashions. Thoroughly enjoyed reading both of these


  10. #10
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: RW WK5: mal diction vs FaQEyeReddit (OPEN FOR VOTES)


    I'ma do a magic trick and air two nickles, Slick it's one of my tricks from the starter pack.. blew his mind; he tryna make it make sense subtly dope but it ain't adding up in his brain- when he see they land a quarter back..The quarter back part lacks a bit of clarity but it's ok dual straps lifting spirits like church hymns, these ain't no pair'a normal straps..liked this, being picky it would've been cleaner with the word "straps" not being used twice, but it's easily missed if you've rearranged the wording
    Watch, I sneak up with some bloods got the b hive wit me, this a sting operation you wanted a little buzz then the situation got all types of sticky..nice touches in this, the little buzz is a bit obvious so could've been cut but the sting operation was nice but chill the fuck out Mal, you got a bright future but I'n my- sights it's iffy, idk who got this boy In the hood pumped up but I'd hate for you to have to die like Ricky Ok closing bar the pumped up idea is good


    check, check
    You wish you were me, but it’s not in your chemistry
    Send you to Mashville like i can't read the city in Tennessee Took me a second to click on but this is pretty funny
    Not even marginally I slaughter geeks till they’re on bending knee
    On a frenzy…rip off your limbs nd beat you with bending knees Damn the mood switched quick, some pretty fucked up imagery going on, unique though
    It’s not your “day-to-day”.. My flows “current” homie i bore “Niles” some nice ideas going on it feels like it's missing something that ties it together. I thought there was some kind of electronics scheme building up with data & current being in there.
    The Faq’s you’re not half the rapper you thought.. “Nor-mal”not a bad closer, probably your strongest bar although the Mashville line was joke

    Faq had more creative wordplay & tied it together more successfully than mal so I gave him the w, but props to mal for originality.

    Vote Faq

  11. #11
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    Re: RW WK5: mal diction vs FaQEyeReddit (OPEN FOR VOTES)

    I like the density of FaQs stuff. His verse has as much going on as ever, but I feel like it’s increasingly coherent and cohesive, with multiple wordplay elements pulling in the same direction instead of all over the place. Some bits (nickel gun/coin wp, blew his mind, etc) have been used quite a lot before, but a neat aspect of his style is that it barely matters because there are so many wordplay elements and a lot of the appeal is in the interplay between them. Arguably it’d be better off without some of them as they bring the average quality down (ie. buzz wp), but that’s kind of a nitpick, just a matter of opinion. Good form bro.

    Mal’s cool. The day-to-day / day today wordplay seemed effortlessly dope, plus it lead into a very technical section which really highlights Mal’s versatility as a writer. It’s quite a dynamic style. I love the bended knee line, the imagery of beating FaQ to death with his own severed leg is wild as fuck. Savage.

    I’mma vote FaQ, but I don’t want Mal to be discouraged as his showing in this tourney is reflecting very well on his writing talent and his character.

  12. #12
    You've Earned a Custom Title!
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    Re: RW WK5: mal diction vs FaQEyeReddit (OPEN FOR VOTES)

    this was a good battle both had good w/p but I feel faq went a bit more deeper and delivered his bars better than his opponent therefore


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