edit:...*in 8 years*
0 were prositutes and i havent caught an std yet. should I quit while im ahead?
edit:...*in 8 years*
0 were prositutes and i havent caught an std yet. should I quit while im ahead?
virgins can't get an std.
I say keep going you'll get that std one of these days.
I always wondered who was desecrating all those graves.
Interesting thread.
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come on...you guys double 75 easy
thats like 9.5 honies a year
6 or 7 prostitutes , 2 regular sluts, and my gf
She said I could sleep on the couch
By 2 am, I was diggin her out
20+ in three years time.
Physical stimulation of our sexual organs through copulation of a variety of populace in order to maintain some semblance of socio-economic validity is just sad.
One time I had an emotionally fulfilling relationship with someone who I understood and made me feel understood. Sadly, he was a gang banger, and I wasn't about that life.
you know I wanna feel special